[post #015 – Interview with atmospheric black metal project GREAT COLD EMPTINESS

Voices from the underground

Interview with atmospheric black metal project

Great Cold Emptiness


It’s hard to don’t get impressed with Elksworth, the very young mind behind Great Cold Emptiness. I met him as just another fan of music, in FB, and then I was introduced to his ‘creative world’. To give you an idea, during our conversations he released his second book, release a new album of A Perfect Day, his post-rock/post-metal project, and pre-released a compilation and a brand new GCE album – now not alone, but with a band! So, take a time to seat around a campfire and hear some news about this great atmospheric black metal project: Great Cold Emptiness!


1494720 I strongly reccomend you to GCE page at Bandcamp  and listen to Violet mist & infrared stars before continue reading


GM: Fuck, I’m listening to Father Elk and it’so good!
Elksworth: Thanks dude!

GM: New release of GCE too… you’re a machine, man!
Elksworth: I am haha. Im 17 so i have lots of freetime.

GM: Free time is not the point, do you have a criative urge wich is admirable!
Elksworth: Thanks man  🙂
But I didn’t like the result of Father Elk.

GM: Really? Why?
Elksworth: idk really. it just wasn’t me. I much prefer what I’m doing now.

GM: You have seventeen but works a lot – released various music titles and are about to publish your second book. Thath is something very admirable – how it is possible????
Elksworth: Hahah, well I’ve been creating music since I was 12, and I have over the years evolved myself to new genres and styles, and completely immersed myself in the aesthetics of them. Writing and Music are the two most natural things to me, and thus, It is expressed with my creative outpost.

GM: Well, to the the past now: can you share with us your first musical memory?
Then, what was your age when you started to enjoy music in a conscient level – and, if possible, tell us what was the first record you bougth.
Elksworth: My first musical memory was when I was I started to really enjoy Progressive Rock and Electronic music. The first album I bought was Rush’s Test for Echo.

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[post #010.1] Vozes do submundo: entrevista com TALV, black metal atmosférico italiano

Eu conheci o projeto Talv durante minhas perambulações digitais pelo YT e não pensei duas vezes antes de comprar uma cópia de seu último álbum, Üksildus [post #005] – palavra que significa ‘isolamento’, na língua estônia. E como eu sei disso? Bem, tomei uma boa dose de coragem e fui muito bem recebido por Andrea Talv, o homem por trás do projeto, cujo anonimato eu estava com medo de perturbar. Ele mora perto de Milão, na Itália, e nós conversamos por muitos dias, pouco a pouco, sobre sua música. Para essa entrevista muito especial ele gentilmente nos presenteou com algumas imagens inéditas!

(foto oficial de Talv em sua página na Bandcamp)

GM: Bem, que o show comece!
Antes de Talv havia ‘Trees in The Fog’. Por quanto tempo? E por que ele cedeu lugar ao projeto atual?

Talv: Sim, o projeto começou como Trees in The Fog, havia também um logotipo e algumas canções prontas para uma demo, mas antes do lançamento eu decidi mudar o título para algo mais marcante. Talv significa ‘Inverno’, na língua estônia.
“Trees in The Fog” existiu entre o final de 2011 até o final de 2012.

(logotipo inédito do projeto Trees in The Fog)


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